In the 18th century to replace the splendor and excessiveness of the Baroque came a style in which the main thing becomes naturalness and logic.
The aesthetics of Classicism are based on the cult of reason. The name “classicism” comes from Latin and means “exemplary”.
For artists of this time, ancient culture with its harmony and pursuit of perfection becomes the ideal. In Classicism reason prevails over feelings, the individual is sacrificed in favor of the social.
Composers of that period turned to genres connected with high religious content (tragedy, ode) on the one hand, and on the other hand to secular genres written in “simple” musical language (comedy, piano or vocal (instrumental miniatures) based on the appeal to folk musical folklore.

The brightest representatives of this trend were the three great names called the “Viennese classics”: Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven.
They represent the foundation of Classicalism as a particular era. They all began their artistic journey in Vienna, which was the capital of European culture. Hence the name “Viennese Classics.”
Haydn and Beethoven gravitated toward instrumental genres (sonata, symphony). Haydn conveys an extraordinary lightness and optimism, cheerfulness and zest for life in his works. Beethoven is a man’s heroic overcoming of his destiny. Mozart is a composer who is equally brilliant in any genre. His favorite genre becomes opera.
Their works have a clear and distinct form with a rich, emotional, harmonically developed content.
During the Classical period such genres as sonata, symphony, concerto were finally formed and became exemplary (classical). The sonata form is considered as figurative, free of excessive bombast, contrasting development, based on the contrast of the main musical themes. The symphonic cycle (four-part form) was finally formed.
Classical music glorifies human activity, his moods and actions.
The works of the “Viennese classics” give us unforgettable emotions that inspire and help us to move forward on the path of life.