The 5 Facts About Music That You Never Knew

There are many people who have spent their entire lives studying music and still they would be surprised to find out that there is more to it than what meets the eye. Music has a huge influence on our culture, our daily lives, as well as how we see the world. New data at Bonza Spins shows that adding certain sounds, like coins dropping or a ringing bell, can make gambling more appealing and winning more memorable.

 However, it does not mean that every musical thing about it is normal or predictable. There are some things about music which will always surprise you with its unusualness. So here we are listing down 5 such facts for you.

The Music Facts Will Blow Your Mind

Music has been scientifically proven to have many benefits for our mental health. The most recent research revealed that it reduces anxiety levels in people with dementia. It’s also a key component of what we call “earworms” or songs that repeat over and over again in our heads. These tunes can be either good or bad, but one thing is certain: earworms are powerful. This article will give you five of the coolest music facts we could find.

Fact 1. Your Favorite Musicians Aren’t Living Long Enough

A study by Sydney’s faculty member surveyed the deaths of composers and other musician artists which happened between 1950 and 2023. The artists’ ages are twenty-five years shorter. What’s even more shocking is that this isn’t just an American trend — it’s a worldwide phenomenon. What’s even more shocking is that this isn’t just an American trend — it’s a worldwide phenomenon. 

The idea that musicians die earlier is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been around for decades and has spawned several theories about why this might be the case. The music industry is a notoriously difficult one to survive in. You must be talented, you must be good at what you do, and you must have the perseverance of Job to make it. 

This may be due to their propensity for substance abuse, like alcohol and cocaine. They also deal with emotional stress as they try to balance the pressure of fame, finances, and life in general. This is a very controversial topic that has been debated many times over in the past few decades. Some people think musicians live fast lives full of drugs and sex while others believe that all this contributes to depression.

Fact 2. Mozart Beats Beyoncé

Mozart beats Beyoncé in a very interesting way. In 2016, Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé. The New Complete Edition presents the most authoritative edition of Mozart’s entire work to date and includes every last fragment found to this day, including unfinished works that have never been heard before.

Fact 3. The Longest Concert in History

The Epidemic Music Group is a Canadian company that organized the world’s longest concert by multiple artists. The event lasted almost 454 hours and was part of Canada’s celebration of the country’s 150th anniversary. This concert is not only an amazing feat but also a historical one as it lasted longer than any other musical performance in history.

Fact 4. Pop Music Helps People Recall Memories

According to a Daily Mail article, the ability of music to evoke memories has been documented in a recent study by Dr Baird and Dr Samson. In their study, they revealed that victims with critical head damage were able to recall memories when listening to light pop music. 

The researchers hypothesized that songs might evoke more emotional responses from patients than speech because it is “more aesthetically pleasing” and often has a strong rhythm or beat, which could activate parts of the brain not functioning after injury.

Fact 5. Music Education Boosts Exam Scores

Music education has many benefits for students. The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation reports that musical experience, such as participation in a performance ensemble or taking music courses, give rise to education scores. Averagely, participants score 63% higher on the verbal section and 44% higher on math when they take the exam than those who do not have any musical experience at all. 

This is important because these scores are what colleges use to evaluate applicants’ qualifications and intelligence levels. This data may be attributed to improved communication skills, increased spatial intelligence, better problem solving skills as well as enhanced reasoning abilities. These findings are not only encouraging for students who are planning to pursue a career in music but also provides an interesting perspective for new generations.